Despite the challenges we have all found ourselves facing during the last year, PRICE Training continues to grow. As a result of the pandemic, we have adapted the way we work so we can continue to provide essential training to our customers and we are experiencing an increase in demand from both existing and new customers.

We are delighted to welcome three new members to our Team:


Jamie recently joined us as a full-time Senior Trainer, having been an in-house PRICE Trainer since 2016. His experience includes working in a residential school with pupils diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome and autism.

Jamie delivers our RRN certificated Positive Approaches to Challenging Behaviour Courses across a range of settings and sectors.

One of Jamie’s first jobs on joining us was to learn how to deliver the theory modules of our course virtually, as part of our approach to minimise the amount of face-to-face training where possible. As most of us will know by now, online meetings can throw up all sorts of challenges! However, Jamie has risen to the task admirably and can now add ‘seasoned virtual trainer’ to his list of skills!


Corrie-ann has joined us on a part-time basis as a PRICE Trainer. She brings a wealth of experience from her learning and development background, working in services for adults with autism. Corrie-ann has been a Senior PRICE Trainer in house since 2015.

As well as delivering our RRN certificated Positive Approaches to Challenging Behaviour Courses across a range of settings and sectors, Corrie-ann is also qualified to deliver a range of other mandatory care sector courses.

These include First Aid, Medication, Safeguarding and SPELL (an individualised and person-centred approach to support people on the autistic spectrum) and with Corrie-ann on board, we are pleased to be able add these to our list of available courses.


Danielle is a recent graduate who has joined our Administrative Team, working alongside Helen and Gill to ensure that PRICE Training runs efficiently and effectively.

Danielle ensures that all course administration is up-to-date and recorded on our Training Management System and that our trainers and customers have the information and documentation they require.

Alongside this, Danielle also leads on our social media presence and keeping our website up-to-date.

Organisation skills are among Danielle’s super powers as demonstrated by the copious amounts of ‘to do’ lists she manages to successfully juggle on a daily basis!

We are always looking for talented and motivated people to joint our team, regardless of what vacancies might be advertised. Please see our Careers Page for contact details if you are interested in working for PRICE Training.